A world of experiences and flavors brought to your home.

Hello and Welcome! My name is Carly Blue and I live in the beautiful Willamette Valley of Oregon. My greatest passion is practicing the art of hospitality. I love the anticipation right before guests arrive. I love the inexplicable moment at a dinner table when deep conversations and gut busting laughter ensues. I love pouring the perfect glass of wine and picking away at a well-mapped-out charcuterie board. I want to bring those experiences into your home.


I have been fortunate enough to travel around the world and have developed a taste for exotic cuisines. From the Austrian Alps to remote villages of Kenya, I am intrigued by the diverse way people gather around food. One of my favorite things to do is introduce new and exciting flavors to people here in the United States. When you take your first bite of food, I want you to feel like you are on a candlelit rooftop in Tuscany or a bustling cafe in Istanbul. You don’t have to leave the comforts of your home to experience the amazing flavors this world has to offer.